Delivery Information

Thank you for choosing our online pharmacy. This document outlines our delivery policy.

Delivery Locations

We extend our services to customers globally.

Delivery Time

Delivery times are merely approximations. Orders, once placed, are dispatched within a span of 48 hours. Unless faced with unique circumstances, deliveries can be expected to reach you between 2 to 14 working days. Please note that working days are from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

Delivery Costs

Delivery charges will become apparent at the checkout page once you’ve added your required medication to your online shopping basket. Please bear in mind that certain countries may charge import duties and taxes which fall under the responsibility of the customer. Feel free to get in touch with our representatives for more information regarding import restrictions.

Packaging of Orders

To ensure our customers’ privacy, products are delivered in carefully concealed packaging that provides no insight into its contents.

Delayed Deliveries

Delays can occur due to reasons that are beyond our control such as delays from suppliers or issues with the postal service. During times of high order volume, deliveries may also take longer to reach you. In the event of an unusual delay with the delivery of your order, we will inform you via email or telephone. For more info please visit business policies page:

Undelivered Orders

In the rare event that an order is not received by the customer within 28 days of placing it, the order is considered lost. Please reach out to our customer support team to report a lost order. An investigation will be initiated and upon approval, a refund or replacement will be arranged.

Please ensure the information you provide during order placement is accurate and current. Inaccurate customer details can result in delays or lost orders. We cannot be held  responsible for lost orders if the customer information provided is incorrect. For more info please visit business policies page:

Find out More

For any queries or further details about our delivery policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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